I arrived in South Korea on Wednesday, February 17, 2010.  I taught English in two elementary schools in Seongju County, home of the yellow melon, until the end of February, 2011. I lived on the west side of Daegu, near Keimyung University’s East Gate. During my year in Korea, I traveled to 6 Asian countries and all over Korea.  Now I have left Korea and am teaching English in Nizwa, Oman (a nomad in the land of nizwa).

Me at Bomun Lake in Gyeongju, South Korea ~ April 2010

Me at Bomun Lake in Gyeongju, South Korea ~ April 2010

I was an English major many moons ago at the College of William and Mary, but my high school teaching career was short-lived. I was a banker and stockbroker for 12 years, and then I was a stay-at-home mom for 15 years. During that time, I explored interior design and wrote the first draft of a 480-page novel and numerous short stories, none of which has been published. The novel has only been seen by my own eyes…it needs major revision. In 2006, I went back to school, attending George Mason University. I graduated with a Master’s degree in International Commerce & Policy in May 2008. I did 3 internships (yes, I was the world’s oldest living intern!!), one at the Office of UN Political Affairs and one at the Office of Protocol at the State Department. I applied for too many jobs to count after I graduated, and then did yet another internship at MSI (Management Systems International) for 9 months. They never offered me a permanent position, so I applied to teach in Korea…. the rest is history. I craved adventure in my life…. and here I am:-)

If you’d like to follow my adventures in Oman, please visit me at a nomad in the land of nizwa.  🙂  Hope to see you there!