Sunday, April 22:  I was surprised when Sherene from PRINT-SENSE photography & design nominated my catbird in korea blog for The Versatile Blogger Award.  This award is all about introducing bloggers to each other and promoting quality blogs that the awardees and their readers might not have discovered otherwise.

“Versatile Blogger” Award Rules:

  • Post a picture of the award.
  • Thank the award giver.
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers about this and tell them by leaving comments on their blog.

First, I must thank Sherene for thinking of me for this award.  You’re so kind to nominate me!!  I should mention though that this blog is no longer my primary blog. I wrote this blog while I was teaching and living abroad in South Korea, from February 2010 to February 2011.  I haven’t posted anything new on it in a long time, although I think I have a lot of good stuff on here!  I am currently living and teaching English in Nizwa, Oman, so if any of you would like to follow my life now, I welcome you visit me at a nomad in the land of nizwa.  I hope to see you there… 🙂

Meanwhile, I will follow the rules to accept this award.  I don’t think I really have to comment on everyone’s blog who I nominate, as the pingback will notify them.  Please someone let me know if this is not the case!

Here are the 7 random facts about myself:

1. Once one of my close childhood friends ran over me with a motorboat, and as I saw the propeller churning in front of my face, she thankfully thought to turn off the motor!

2. I love shrimp fixed any imaginable way.

3. I worked for four years at Cash Control at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, while I was a student at the College of William & Mary.

4. I lived in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for four years from 1980-1984 with my first husband, his two pugs, Max & Ulysses, and a black mutt named Lilly.  During that time Mt. Saint Helens erupted and we were covered with ash for 4 days.

5. I have been an English teacher, banker, stockbroker, newspaper reporter, State Department intern, mom, housewife and wanna-be writer.

6. I love Loreena McKinnett’s Gates of Istanbul and the whole country of Turkey, especially Cappadocia.  One of the most romantic places on earth!!

7. One time I climbed to the top of Pilot Rock in Oregon, and when it came time to come down, I was so terrified, I started crying and told my husband and his friend they were going to have to have a helicopter come to pick me up.  Guess I’m afraid of heights!!

Now, here are the 15 bloggers I nominate for this award, in no particular order (There are many more I’d like to nominate, but I’ll hit those people next time around!):

1. Latebloomerbuds

2. Donna on Palawan

3. Lucid Gypsy

4. 50 Year Project

5. Lady Barefoot Baroness

6. this man’s journey

7. Karma’s When I Feel Like It Blog

8. the unbearable lightness of being me

9. The Traveling Gypsy

10. The Urge to Wander

11. Fancy That…Fancy This

12. Rural Route Runner

13. Andy in Oman

14. Let Me Bite That

15. Dhofari Gucci